Steve Hackett, Broken Skies-Outspread Wings da collezione

Steve Hackett, ‘Broken Skies-Outspread Wings (1984 – 2006)’ limited edition 6CD/2DVD da collezione.


Clicca qui e acquista il cofanetto

Il cofanetto include gli album Till We Have FacesGuitar NoirDarktownFeedback 86To Watch The Storms and Wild Orchids e svariati bonus.

Inoltre contiene due DVD 5.1, live rarities, e il live set di Somewhere In South America registrato a Buenos Aires. 

La copertina vede la firma di Roger Dean e la collezione completa si avvale di un libro di 60 pagine, appunti dell’autore, foto rare, testi e altro.

Ha detto Hackett:

“Sono entusiasta di annunciare l’uscita di un cofanetto con una speciale retrospettiva. Si tratta di sei album rimasterizzati, alcuni brani sono in 5.1 surround sound , compresa una nuova versione della canzone dei GTR ‘When The Heart Rules The Mind’, tre video inediti e il DVD Somewhere In South America”.

“Sono molto fiero di questa collezione, che comprende una enorme varietà di stili e sogni musicali in sviluppo nell’arco di più di venti anni.”

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Comunicato stampa tratto da Hackettsongs:

Legendary guitarist Steve Hackett has announced the release of a special 6CD & 2DVD collection titled ‘Broken Skies – Outspread Wings (1984-2006)’ on the 5th October 2018 via InsideOutMusic.

Following on from 2015’s ‘Premonitions’, this special art-book compiles the albums ‘Till We Have Faces’, ‘Guitar Noir’, ‘Darktown’, ‘Feedback 86’, ‘To Watch The Storms’ & ‘Wild Orchids’ – all newly remastered, alongside a host of bonus tracks. In addition to this, 2 DVD’s are included which feature several recent live rarities and 5.1 mixes of selected songs, as well as the glorious ‘Somewhere in South America’ live DVD capturing a set in Buenos Aires. This is rounded off by brand new artwork from Roger Dean (Yes, Uriah Heep), beautifully presented as a 60-page book with liner notes, rare photos, lyrics and more.

Steve commented on the release: “I’m excited to announce the release of a special bumper retrospective 1984 – 2006 box set. This will include six re-mastered albums, several 5.1 surround sound tracks including a new version of the GTR track “When the Heart Rules the Mind”, three previously unreleased live videos and the whole of the DVD Somewhere in South America, as well as a 60 page booklet including rare photos and new liner notes.

I’m incredibly proud of this collection which highlights a huge variety of styles and musical dreams in development over the course of more than twenty years…” Steve Hackett.

At the beginning of the year, Steve’s latest live release was launched, titled ‘Wuthering Nights – Live in Birmingham‘ and documenting his 2017 UK live dates where he celebrated the 40th anniversary of the legendary Genesis album ‘Wind & Wuthering’ as well as his latest studio album ‘The Night Siren’.

Altre recenti pubblicazioni di Steve Hackett:


L’iniziativa è nata per raccogliere fondi e consapevolezza per l’organizzazione benefica Elephants for Africa, dedicata alla protezione dell’elefante africano in via di estinzione attraverso la ricerca e l’educazione. 


1. EVENTIDE – Nad Sylvan
2. IN A PERFECT WORLD – Steve Hackett, Anthony Phillips & Roger King
3. SEE THE DREAM – Tony Patterson
4. SUNSET TRAIL – Anthony Phillips
6. WE ARE ONE – Amanda Lehmann
8. TWO ROPE SWINGS – Andy Tillison Diskdrive
9. THE ELEPHANT’S TALE – Anthony Phillips 
10. THIS IS OUR HOME – Anna Madsen
11. LORATO – Steve Hackett
13. RIVERS OF FIRE – Brendan Eyre
14. SPEAK FOR ME – Andy Neve

15. INTO THE LENS – Andy Neve

La musica è stata scritta appositamente per accompagnare il libro scritto dalla fotografa naturalista e biologa Lesley Wood e dal fondatore di Elephants for Africa Dr. Kate Evans.

Tra i musicisti di questo nuovo album benefico, oltre a Steve & Ant, figurano: Tim Bowness (No-Man) e Dave Gregory (XTC / Big Big Train) che danno il loro contributo nel brano di chiusura di sette minuti ‘Speak For Me’.

E poi ci sono Roger King, Nad Sylvan, Nick Magnus, Tony Patterson, Brendan Eyre , Rob Townsend, Amanda Lehmann, Andy Tillison Diskdrive, Andy Neve, Dale Newman e Anna Madsen.


Steve Hackett è anche in tour. LEGGI TUTTE LE DATE.

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