Roger Dean & Steve Hackett in conversation, Friday 16th November at Trading Boundaries, UK.
Tickets still remaining for tomorrow night when two giants of music & art, Steve Hackett & Roger Dean, join us to discuss creative inspiration.
And there may be a chance you may hear a small performance
Tickets at @_rogerdean
— Trading Boundaries (@tradingbo) 15 novembre 2018
As part of our annual Roger Dean exhibition, Roger will be will be in conversation with Steve Hackett.
Roger has created paintings and logos for many album covers for Steve Hackett, including the upcoming ‘Broken Skies Outspread Wings’ due for release on 5th October.
This intimate evening is a very rare chance to enjoy these two giants of art and music discussing creative inspiration from their world travels, drawing on different cultures and landscapes to create iconic sounds and images.
I’ll be in discussion with artist Roger Dean at Trading Boundaries, Sussex, UK on 16th November. For details go to…
— Steve Hackett (@HackettOfficial) 6 novembre 2018
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