Peter Gabriel partecipa all’evento globale The Call to Unite.
By Old King Cole
24 ore di canti, danze, meditazioni e molto altro ancora.
Who will wear the crown?
The alien conqueror is coming to town
Nobody knows who’ll be wearing his crown ‘till we count out the numbers and know just who’s down
Oh, the alien conqueror is coming to town
A moment’s been caught and a boat goes adrift Its duty and love and life their last gift
And we cheer for this frontline as they head for their shift
We’re alone, we’re together and there’s the lift
And friends they’re drowning as boats come apart
So many cut short, so much hurt in the heart
We all come to naught when we share out this crown
And the kings and the queens of each family fall down
Stars up above us on this empty London street
A springtime’s fill of life alive the air so soft and sweet
The world is turning once again and when the wheel will stop
The world will form as something else and then the coin will drop
And out come all the questions, the questions we don’t ask
As we close in from a distance and stay protected by the mask
For all of you who’ve fallen, no more is it your task
We’ll make sure that light’s infectious, that’s still glowing in your cask
© Peter Gabriel – 2020
Del suo contributo dice:
“Sono molto felice di partecipare a questo evento Call to Unite e sono felice che molto del denaro raccolto in queste 24 ore vada direttamente alle persone che ne hanno più bisogno. Qualcuno mi ha chiesto qualche riflessione su quello che sta succedendo e ho scritto alcune parole, che potrebbero diventare una canzone in futuro…“.
Horizons Radio News
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